EPPF’s Second Open Letter To The Swedish Parliament

5th of November 2019

Dear Excellencies,

 Today, we are manifesting in front of your esteemed legislative Office in Stockholm. This is a noble act to call your attention for the second time towards the suffering and silent genocide in Ethiopia under the premiership of Noble Peace Laurate Abiy Ahmed.

“Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front, EPPF is an organization standing for the liberation of Ethiopia, from the irredentist regime actually in power to a democratic and peace-loving country  based on social justice led by ideals of direct democracy.”

Abiy’s Peace Laureate put to TestAbiy Ahmed became peace laureate in October 2019 “as honor is seen as a recognition of and encouragement for a project worth supporting rather than a prize for a job well done.” However, the month of October was seen by the majority of the Ethiopians a period of sadness, mourning and undue suffering. This is a continuation of a long torment that Ethiopia is undergoing since the coming to power the Premier Abiy in April 2017. The country is in full ethnic cleansing mode not far from Rwanda of 1994.

Abiy’s Undue Provocation

  Abiy before he left for Sochi Russia on October 23rd, 2019 made unnecessary warnings in the parliament to those with double nationality media-owners. Thus, a day after provoking ethnic unrest that cost the lives of over a hundred (officially 86) innocents, a couple of hundred wounded and thousands displaced.

The aura of his newly won Nobel Peace Prize of Abiy Ahmed was tainted by the Protests that erupted and cost lives of many, like that of the Burmese Aung San Suu Kyi non-action towards Rohingya Muslims not long after her Noble Prize.

Human Right Abuse

A highly aggravated Rwanda type of ethnic violence is provoked by an undue speech of the new Premier in parliament. In Oromia and Harari regions, and in the eastern city of Dire Dawa vigilantes known as Qero put in practice Premier’s speech by displacing thousands and victimizing hundreds of innocent civilians.

Churches Scorched

Since the coming to power Premier Abiy many religious sanctuaries scorched, and faithful followers were inhumanly massacred inside the holy temples where they took sanctuary. Shocked by the situation, His Holiness Pope Francis led the faithful prayer for Orthodox Christians and other victims of violence in Ethiopia. At the Angelus on Sunday declared he is “saddened by the news of violence in Ethiopia.”

Anti-Terrorist law reactivated

Premier Abiy reactivated the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation of the previous regime. Arbitrary and controversial legislation used to gang journalists by stifling dissent and raffling innocent media activists to famous dark prisons.   Amnesty International declared recently that

“The Anti-Terrorism Proclamation continues to be the government’s tool of choice for arbitrarily arresting people. Dozens of other people are still languishing in detention under the ambiguous and overly broad anti-terrorism law.”

  Dear Respected democratic parliamentary of Sweden, after reading the above lines we would like you to reconsider the following two policies we are addressing the second time since the 24th of Sep 2019.

 Firstly, to reconsider the policy of business as usual towards the Ethiopian regime of Premier Abiy by engaging a constructive critical overview of the acts of the regime in power. Secondly, we are requesting humanly for the refugees fleeing from the persecution massacre in Ethiopia of Abiy Ahmed that took sanctuary in your beloved country by bestowing a political asylum.

Prof. Muse

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