Liberate Ethiopian Political Prisoners in Sweden! Swedish immigration Authorities!

Ethiopia a Land of Impunity and mob Justice!

Mr. Yilma Kiflu and Mr. Mesfin Agdew are now in prison in Sweden. They will be deported to Ethiopia a country they flee from persecution. They both are married have kids in Sweden. The inhuman deportation will leave the children without a father. They are not guaranteed what will happen to them in Ethiopia at their arrival a regime based on irredentism and ethnic cleansing since the coming to power of Premier Dr. Abiy!

In Ethiopia since the coming of PM Abiy 4 months ago over 2.8 million have been internally displaced. Hundreds were killed cold-bloodedly with impunity. In the different Bantustan regions, thousands live in fear and panic not knowing what will happen to them the next day. Young girls are raped and mutilated inhumanly.
The new Premier is promising unfulfilled vague dreams. Since he came to premiership  Ethiopia is transformed into a land of mob justice!

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