Flash News
Genocide in Northern Ethiopia by Abiy regime
Free Dr Meseret Kellemework alias Moresh ዶ/ር መሰረት ቀለምወርቅ ሞረሽ 12-2023-
Ethiopia’s government and TPLF agree to end war
Daily News Mashup 2022
Abiy’s Double Identity Peace Laureate & War-Monger የአብይ ጥንዱ ማንነት -የስላም ተሸላሚና የጦር አበጋዝ Jul 30, 2021-30
To Stop Ethiopian Bloodshed, Abiy must Step Down! የደም መፋሰስ እንዲቆም አብይ ይውረድ 26 Mar 2021-12
Sudano-Egyptian “Scramble” for Ethiopian fertile land የኢትዮጵያ ቅርምት?
Ethiopian Tigray Civil War 7 possible Outcome Choices?የትግራይ ጦርነት 7ቱ የተወሰኑ የውጤት አማራጮች?
A Civil war declared by Noble Laureate Abiy Ahmed in Ethiopia!
አርበኛ-ፋኖ| ኢትዮጵያኖች አረቢያ ስደት ሞት መግለጫ EPPF Communique statement on Ethiopians Abused in Arabia
Arbegna Fano Communique on the arrest of member Meseret Kelmework!
Since the coming to power Premier Abiy, repeated Targeted political killings brought persistence Chaos in Ethiopia!
Tigray Police in Mekele kills in name of “coronavirus regulations”
ኢትዮጵያ – ገደለ አርበኛ-ፋኖ በዘመነ አብይ Patriots call
I Accuse – Crimes of Peace Noble Laureate Col. Abiy Ahmed ያብይ ወንጀሎች 2018-2020
Ethiopia of PM Abiy Student abduction and female kidnapping are rampant!
Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s ‘Pentecostal Putin’
Abiy Unilaterally Betrayed Ethiopia To TPLF አብይ አገሩን ከድቶ በግሉ ለህወሓት ተበረከከ
Ethiopia in tightrope with UN & US
Amhara mass Protest against genocide in Ethiopia!
Abiy a Dictator who won a Peace Laureate!
EPPF’s Second Open Letter To The Swedish Parliament
EPPF Communique November 1, 2019/03 Oromia Massacre Responsibilities!
Former Ethiopian PM Hailemariam denied any responsibility for his act!
One-sided Peace Prize awarded to PM Abiy Ahmed for an inconclusive deal with Eritrea!
EPPF’s Open Letter to Members of Swedish Parliament on PM Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia!
Egypt shows concern on Ethiopian Nile Dam to be secured by the Israeli defense system!!
Ethiopia Abiy’s regime in disarray- generals killed regional leader shot
Ethiopia to start rationing electricity due to mega-dam water level drops.
30 Years old brutal dictatorial regime ousted in Sudan!
Ethiopian Ethnic Federalism imploding in endless Crisis in 2019!
Ethiopia #EPPF Communique Against Abiy’s Regime in Ethiopia ከአርበኞች የተሰጠ መግለጫ 2019/01
The Nile under treat by Ethiopian Mega Dam?
Is the Nile under treat by Ethiopian Mega Dam?
2018 Ethiopianism.tv Synopsis News Analysis ያዓመቱ የዜናዊች ንትርክ
UN Security Council lifts sanctions against Eritrea with the demand of Ethiopia
Ethiopian PM Abiy revised his version claims “soldiers who marched on palace sought to ‘kill me’?
Liberate Ethiopian Political Prisoners in Sweden! Swedish immigration Authorities!
EPPF Communique separation of EPPF & Ginbot N° 2008/04 በኢትዮጽያ ህዝብ አርብኞች ግንባር የተሰጠ መግለጫ ቁጥር 2008 እዝባር 4 !
Ethiopian capital hit with deadly ethnic protest as a reminiscence of Rwandan type Genocide many died and wounded
Genocide in Northern Ethiopia by Abiy regime
Free Dr Meseret Kellemework alias Moresh ዶ/ር መሰረት ቀለምወርቅ ሞረሽ 12-2023-
Ethiopia’s government and TPLF agree to end war
Daily News Mashup 2022
Abiy’s Double Identity Peace Laureate & War-Monger የአብይ ጥንዱ ማንነት -የስላም ተሸላሚና የጦር አበጋዝ Jul 30, 2021-30
To Stop Ethiopian Bloodshed, Abiy must Step Down! የደም መፋሰስ እንዲቆም አብይ ይውረድ 26 Mar 2021-12
Sudano-Egyptian “Scramble” for Ethiopian fertile land የኢትዮጵያ ቅርምት?
Ethiopian Tigray Civil War 7 possible Outcome Choices?የትግራይ ጦርነት 7ቱ የተወሰኑ የውጤት አማራጮች?
A Civil war declared by Noble Laureate Abiy Ahmed in Ethiopia!
አርበኛ-ፋኖ| ኢትዮጵያኖች አረቢያ ስደት ሞት መግለጫ EPPF Communique statement on Ethiopians Abused in Arabia
Arbegna Fano Communique on the arrest of member Meseret Kelmework!
Since the coming to power Premier Abiy, repeated Targeted political killings brought persistence Chaos in Ethiopia!
Tigray Police in Mekele kills in name of “coronavirus regulations”
ኢትዮጵያ – ገደለ አርበኛ-ፋኖ በዘመነ አብይ Patriots call
I Accuse – Crimes of Peace Noble Laureate Col. Abiy Ahmed ያብይ ወንጀሎች 2018-2020
Ethiopia of PM Abiy Student abduction and female kidnapping are rampant!
Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s ‘Pentecostal Putin’
Abiy Unilaterally Betrayed Ethiopia To TPLF አብይ አገሩን ከድቶ በግሉ ለህወሓት ተበረከከ
Ethiopia in tightrope with UN & US
Amhara mass Protest against genocide in Ethiopia!
Abiy a Dictator who won a Peace Laureate!
EPPF’s Second Open Letter To The Swedish Parliament
EPPF Communique November 1, 2019/03 Oromia Massacre Responsibilities!
Former Ethiopian PM Hailemariam denied any responsibility for his act!
One-sided Peace Prize awarded to PM Abiy Ahmed for an inconclusive deal with Eritrea!
EPPF’s Open Letter to Members of Swedish Parliament on PM Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia!
Egypt shows concern on Ethiopian Nile Dam to be secured by the Israeli defense system!!
Ethiopia Abiy’s regime in disarray- generals killed regional leader shot
Ethiopia to start rationing electricity due to mega-dam water level drops.
30 Years old brutal dictatorial regime ousted in Sudan!
Ethiopian Ethnic Federalism imploding in endless Crisis in 2019!
Ethiopia #EPPF Communique Against Abiy’s Regime in Ethiopia ከአርበኞች የተሰጠ መግለጫ 2019/01
The Nile under treat by Ethiopian Mega Dam?
Is the Nile under treat by Ethiopian Mega Dam?
2018 Ethiopianism.tv Synopsis News Analysis ያዓመቱ የዜናዊች ንትርክ
UN Security Council lifts sanctions against Eritrea with the demand of Ethiopia
Ethiopian PM Abiy revised his version claims “soldiers who marched on palace sought to ‘kill me’?
Liberate Ethiopian Political Prisoners in Sweden! Swedish immigration Authorities!
EPPF Communique separation of EPPF & Ginbot N° 2008/04 በኢትዮጽያ ህዝብ አርብኞች ግንባር የተሰጠ መግለጫ ቁጥር 2008 እዝባር 4 !
Ethiopian capital hit with deadly ethnic protest as a reminiscence of Rwandan type Genocide many died and wounded

Ethiopian People's Patriotic Front የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አርበኞች ግንባር – አርበኛ-ፋኖ
The Original, Authentic & Official EPPF ኢሕአግ