Abiy Unilaterally Betrayed Ethiopia To TPLF አብይ አገሩን ከድቶ በግሉ ለህወሓት ተበረከከ
- Discussion Themes – የውይይት አርሥተ-ሃሳቦች
1.- Whose pressure forced Abiy to cede in all grounds to TPLF’s exigencies?
አብይ በሁሉም ምክንያቶች የህወሓትን ፍላጎት እንዲያሟላ ያስገደደው የማን ግፊት ነው?
2.- Why did Abiy lose his barging power by freeing TPLF jailed leaders unilaterally?
አብይ ለምን የህወሓት የታሰሩ መሪዎችን በአንድ ወገኑ በመፍታት የመደራደር ስልጣኑን ያጣው?
3.- Analyse Abiy’s historical anachronic discourse drawing parallelism on traditional Ethiopian pardon, which he used as a pretext to liberate TPLF leaders?
የአብይ በታሪክ የተወላገዱ ንግግሮቹ፣ ባህላዊ የኢትዮጵያ ምህረት ላይ ትይዩነትን በማሳየት፣ የህወሓት መሪዎችን ነፃ ለማውጣት እንደ ምክንያት አጠቃቀም ተንትን?
4.- What would be Fano’s reaction to the recent historical betrayal of Abiy by eventually being ordered to evacuate all forces from the Welquiet region?
ከወልቃይት የወታደር ሃይሎች እንዲወጡ በማዘዝ በቅርቡ አብይ ለሚያደረሰው ታሪካዊ ክህደት የፋኖ ምላሽ ምን ይሆን?
- Sources ምንጮች
- Biden Must Hold Ethiopia’s Abiy Accountable – Bloomberg
- Biden raises concerns to Ethiopian PM about Tigray conflict – The Washington Post
- The Ethiopian Civil War: Untangling domestic and international repercussions – Observer
- Ethiopia announces pardons for high-profile political prisoners – Al Jazeera English
- Ethiopia: Abiy urges reconciliation after fight with rebels – Africanews English
- Airstrike kills at least 56 people in Ethiopian camp for internally displaced – The Independent
- Ethiopia: Abiy urges reconciliation after fight with rebels – Africanews English
- አስደንጋጭ ሰበር ዜና፡ ዶ/ር አብይ ለአማራ መሪዎች አስቸኳይ ትዛዝ ሰጡ ከወልቃይትና ሁመራ ለቃቹ ውጡ ኮ/ል ደመቀ የቁጣ መግለጫ ሰጡ እንዳታስቡ ከባድ ተቃውሞ
- የህወሀት ወረራ ራያ ቆቦ | የአማራ ክልል ባለስልጣናት እየተጠበቁ ነው | ህወሀት እና ኤርትራ አዲስ ውጊያ ውስጥ ገቡ – Feta
- Ethiopia: Did Turkish-supplied drones kill 57 people in Christian Orthodox Tigray? Greek City Times
- Statement of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the release of Political Prisoners in Ethiopia